Since last June, my foot has been hurting me. I injured it doing what I love, playing tennis. In the middle of a USTA match I pivoted on the ball of my foot and felt something painful happen.
During the summer months I did my best to make it all go away. After any exercise or tennis I would ice it. Motrin was my friend
I went to a Podiatrist who told me a woman my age should not be doing such intense physical activity. That went over really well. Then I went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon in my area who ordered all types of scans to conclude I had fluid in the ball of my foot. I was told if I rested the foot and stayed away from the courts for awhile I would be fine. My exercise has dwindled down to a stationary bike (BORING!) and minimal tennis. My daughter has taken to running and there is nothing more I would love to do then go for a run with her, but can’t.
Months ago I made an appointment to get a second opinion with a surgeon who specializes in foot injuries and takes care of many professional ballet dancers when their feet are injured. This doc seemed right up my alley!! If anyone could help me it would be her!!
Today I made the trek down the freeway to one of the top hospitals in our city to see Dr. Chau. I started to feel anxious. “What if they put a boot on me and tell me to sit around for six weeks and do nothing?” “What if I need surgery?” “What if she suggests, a cortisone shot? I’ll say, NO WAY!”
Upon review of the X-rays and MRI, the doctor said “Wow, you’re in a lot of pain with this aren’t you? Hmmm…you’ve damaged two of your ligaments and they’re just dying to pop out, we need to restrict and immobilize them.” I was sure at that moment I was headed for a boot or cast. The doctor turned around and reached for a ½” medical tape. She began to tape two of my toes, pulling them under toward the bottom of my foot. “There,” she said, “Now the ligaments won’t move as much and this should heal in six weeks.” I wonder if she saw my mouth drop open in amazement. Then she asked me to get up and walk and see if my foot felt better. I couldn’t believe it, I had no pain!! After all the uncomfort for months, doctor visits, and scans, not to mention the money I have spent in fees, it took two pieces of medical tape to relieve the pain!!
Many times throughout the Bible we read about Jesus healing really sick and even dead people. Effortlessly, He just told them to get up and walk. Having a small amount of chronic pain leave me is amazing, it makes me want to go run a marathon (Dr, Chau wouldn’t approve of that!). I can tell you this…anyone who has been in pain and experiences relief is thankful and humbled to feel better once again. No wonder those guys in the Bible were ecstatic!
My foot is nothing compared to what some experience in this world, but I pray the absence of pain makes me grateful for every day my body can move, and I look forward to some day soon running many miles with my daughter!
Sweet Dreams and blessings,
Glad your foot is on the way to recovery. Will you be able to run in HB?
Deb i am so excited that all is well with your foot.
wow God is amazing.
and he watches over every one of our needs no matter how big or small they may be!!
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