Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Happy Anniversary

Last year on this date I was in Paris with Steve celebrating a very romantic tenth wedding anniversary. The memories are sweet!

Today, on our eleventh anniversary we honored another couple to have an anniversary away. Yesterday, I added four additional children (ages four thru eleven) to our family. I had one come that was highly allergic to the dog, and one who was very sick just the day before. Knowing and loving these children, we were more then willing to accommodate however we needed to welcome our guests.

I was honored this dear friend of mine would entrust her children to my crazy household!! After all, we’re the ones that go to the ER all the time. Injuries are the norm for us. My six year old son is constantly injuring himself and spends quite a bit of time in the nurse’s office at school! I truly see this friend as a modern day Proverbs 31 Woman. She is one of the most loving, patient, Godly woman, and her children are a reflection of her. She serves quietly and humbly.

Meals were just a kick while they were all here. Last night I was solo as Steve had to work. The older kids chipped in to help the younger kids, and our first meal together was a success! Me having the Camp Director personality got everyone involved, interacting, contributing, and laughing together.

Since it rained yesterday and we were confined to the indoors, the troops were ready to go outside after Steve made them anything they wanted for breakfast! The activities of the day included catching fish in the stream, going on the zip line, a high swing, motorcycling, jogging, golfing, dance shows, and archery, just to name a few.

Sadly, after twenty four hours it was time for them to leave. Steve and I enjoyed every minute with them all. We only had two injuries, one from each family. They left dirty, tired, and happy with a chocolate chip cookie in their hand! I made them all promise me they will come again.

The second part of the day was spent with really fun friends of ours (our camping buddies). It wasn’t until yesterday we knew for sure we could go, but I prayed all week it would work out! After dinner we went to see the movie Fireproof. “Never leave your partner in a fire!” I will never forget those words. The movie was, well amazing. Please go see it!!

Eleven years of marriage. Not a long time in the big picture but so much has happened. All the vows I made September 27, 1997 were just words at the time. There’s no way anyone can enter a marriage and really understand what they are saying. It is only through the test of time “For better or worse”, or “Richer or poorer” is understood. Thankfully Steve and I made a commitment to God first, so when the difficult times come, we have that commitment staring us in the face. “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!”

“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, endures all things”. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Wow, I still have so far to go!!

Sweet Blessings and Happy Anniversary to my husband! Thank you for hanging in there with me Steve! I LOVE YOU!!


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