Last year on this date I was in Paris with Steve celebrating a very romantic tenth wedding anniversary. The memories are sweet!
Today, on our eleventh anniversary we honored another couple to have an anniversary away. Yesterday, I added four additional children (ages four thru eleven) to our family. I had one come that was highly allergic to the dog, and one who was very sick just the day before. Knowing and loving these children, we were more then willing to accommodate however we needed to welcome our guests.
I was honored this dear friend of mine would entrust her children to my crazy household!! After all, we’re the ones that go to the ER all the time. Injuries are the norm for us. My six year old son is constantly injuring himself and spends quite a bit of time in the nurse’s office at school! I truly see this friend as a modern day Proverbs 31 Woman. She is one of the most loving, patient, Godly woman, and her children are a reflection of her. She serves quietly and humbly.
Meals were just a kick while they were all here. Last night I was solo as Steve had to work. The older kids chipped in to help the younger kids, and our first meal together was a success! Me having the Camp Director personality got everyone involved, interacting, contributing, and laughing together.
Since it rained yesterday and we were confined to the indoors, the troops were ready to go outside after Steve made them anything they wanted for breakfast! The activities of the day included catching fish in the stream, going on the zip line, a high swing, motorcycling, jogging, golfing, dance shows, and archery, just to name a few.
Sadly, after twenty four hours it was time for them to leave. Steve and I enjoyed every minute with them all. We only had two injuries, one from each family. They left dirty, tired, and happy with a chocolate chip cookie in their hand! I made them all promise me they will come again.
The second part of the day was spent with really fun friends of ours (our camping buddies). It wasn’t until yesterday we knew for sure we could go, but I prayed all week it would work out! After dinner we went to see the movie Fireproof. “Never leave your partner in a fire!” I will never forget those words. The movie was, well amazing. Please go see it!!
Eleven years of marriage. Not a long time in the big picture but so much has happened. All the vows I made September 27, 1997 were just words at the time. There’s no way anyone can enter a marriage and really understand what they are saying. It is only through the test of time “For better or worse”, or “Richer or poorer” is understood. Thankfully Steve and I made a commitment to God first, so when the difficult times come, we have that commitment staring us in the face. “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!”
“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, endures all things”. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Wow, I still have so far to go!!
Sweet Blessings and Happy Anniversary to my husband! Thank you for hanging in there with me Steve! I LOVE YOU!!
God has blessed this status quo-seeking, quiet-loving, organized woman with an ADD/ADHD family. Some days I laugh uncontrollably and others I cry hysterically. But through it all God refines my character and teaches me to trust Him as I grow daily in grace and love. My hope is that these experiences bless you and let you know you’re not alone
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
It Feels Like a Miracle!
Since last June, my foot has been hurting me. I injured it doing what I love, playing tennis. In the middle of a USTA match I pivoted on the ball of my foot and felt something painful happen.
During the summer months I did my best to make it all go away. After any exercise or tennis I would ice it. Motrin was my friend
I went to a Podiatrist who told me a woman my age should not be doing such intense physical activity. That went over really well. Then I went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon in my area who ordered all types of scans to conclude I had fluid in the ball of my foot. I was told if I rested the foot and stayed away from the courts for awhile I would be fine. My exercise has dwindled down to a stationary bike (BORING!) and minimal tennis. My daughter has taken to running and there is nothing more I would love to do then go for a run with her, but can’t.
Months ago I made an appointment to get a second opinion with a surgeon who specializes in foot injuries and takes care of many professional ballet dancers when their feet are injured. This doc seemed right up my alley!! If anyone could help me it would be her!!
Today I made the trek down the freeway to one of the top hospitals in our city to see Dr. Chau. I started to feel anxious. “What if they put a boot on me and tell me to sit around for six weeks and do nothing?” “What if I need surgery?” “What if she suggests, a cortisone shot? I’ll say, NO WAY!”
Upon review of the X-rays and MRI, the doctor said “Wow, you’re in a lot of pain with this aren’t you? Hmmm…you’ve damaged two of your ligaments and they’re just dying to pop out, we need to restrict and immobilize them.” I was sure at that moment I was headed for a boot or cast. The doctor turned around and reached for a ½” medical tape. She began to tape two of my toes, pulling them under toward the bottom of my foot. “There,” she said, “Now the ligaments won’t move as much and this should heal in six weeks.” I wonder if she saw my mouth drop open in amazement. Then she asked me to get up and walk and see if my foot felt better. I couldn’t believe it, I had no pain!! After all the uncomfort for months, doctor visits, and scans, not to mention the money I have spent in fees, it took two pieces of medical tape to relieve the pain!!
Many times throughout the Bible we read about Jesus healing really sick and even dead people. Effortlessly, He just told them to get up and walk. Having a small amount of chronic pain leave me is amazing, it makes me want to go run a marathon (Dr, Chau wouldn’t approve of that!). I can tell you this…anyone who has been in pain and experiences relief is thankful and humbled to feel better once again. No wonder those guys in the Bible were ecstatic!
My foot is nothing compared to what some experience in this world, but I pray the absence of pain makes me grateful for every day my body can move, and I look forward to some day soon running many miles with my daughter!
Sweet Dreams and blessings,
During the summer months I did my best to make it all go away. After any exercise or tennis I would ice it. Motrin was my friend
I went to a Podiatrist who told me a woman my age should not be doing such intense physical activity. That went over really well. Then I went to see an Orthopedic Surgeon in my area who ordered all types of scans to conclude I had fluid in the ball of my foot. I was told if I rested the foot and stayed away from the courts for awhile I would be fine. My exercise has dwindled down to a stationary bike (BORING!) and minimal tennis. My daughter has taken to running and there is nothing more I would love to do then go for a run with her, but can’t.
Months ago I made an appointment to get a second opinion with a surgeon who specializes in foot injuries and takes care of many professional ballet dancers when their feet are injured. This doc seemed right up my alley!! If anyone could help me it would be her!!
Today I made the trek down the freeway to one of the top hospitals in our city to see Dr. Chau. I started to feel anxious. “What if they put a boot on me and tell me to sit around for six weeks and do nothing?” “What if I need surgery?” “What if she suggests, a cortisone shot? I’ll say, NO WAY!”
Upon review of the X-rays and MRI, the doctor said “Wow, you’re in a lot of pain with this aren’t you? Hmmm…you’ve damaged two of your ligaments and they’re just dying to pop out, we need to restrict and immobilize them.” I was sure at that moment I was headed for a boot or cast. The doctor turned around and reached for a ½” medical tape. She began to tape two of my toes, pulling them under toward the bottom of my foot. “There,” she said, “Now the ligaments won’t move as much and this should heal in six weeks.” I wonder if she saw my mouth drop open in amazement. Then she asked me to get up and walk and see if my foot felt better. I couldn’t believe it, I had no pain!! After all the uncomfort for months, doctor visits, and scans, not to mention the money I have spent in fees, it took two pieces of medical tape to relieve the pain!!
Many times throughout the Bible we read about Jesus healing really sick and even dead people. Effortlessly, He just told them to get up and walk. Having a small amount of chronic pain leave me is amazing, it makes me want to go run a marathon (Dr, Chau wouldn’t approve of that!). I can tell you this…anyone who has been in pain and experiences relief is thankful and humbled to feel better once again. No wonder those guys in the Bible were ecstatic!
My foot is nothing compared to what some experience in this world, but I pray the absence of pain makes me grateful for every day my body can move, and I look forward to some day soon running many miles with my daughter!
Sweet Dreams and blessings,
Monday, September 22, 2008
Coming from a career in apparel as well as interior design, I would like to think I have at some point in my life developed a tad bit of style. Actually, the way trends go today, you can wear just about anything with an updated accessory and you’re good to go!
Having a daughter, I had high hopes of her looking to me for fashion tips. I couldn’t wait until she was older so we could shop together.
Since Emeline was a young girl she made it clear to me she did not want to be a “girly” girl. I was o.k. with that. Recently she respectfully told me her style was not my style and just because I liked something doesn’t necessarily mean she likes it. I was o.k. with that too, but taking this gal shopping has turned into a nightmare! First, she can’t make up her mind. Everything I suggest is sure to be turned down. I remember my mother telling me how difficult it was to spend money on clothes for me she thought were ugly!! I can only hope and pray I was half as respectful to my mother about it all as my daughter is to me.
Having a girlfriend’s daughter’s "hand-me-downs" has been a huge blessing. This comes from a teenager Emeline looks up to, so her clothes are welcome. Yesterday we went through a large bag of clothes and it was better then Christmas!
As I went through each garment there was something special about sharing in someone else’s past. Watching a fine young girl grow up, loving Jesus, making good choices, having a bible study in her school. Wow, I pray my daughter has that bold spirit about her! In a silly sort of way I was blessed financially and honored spiritually that Emeline would wear the clothes of such a fine teenager!
We have been blessed with so many teenagers (boys and girls) setting Godly examples to my children for years now. Loving life, working towards goals, yet never loosing the need for Jesus in their lives.
Thank you to all the young people out there who have made a positive impact on my children’s lives, for loving them just they way they are! Their lives are richer today for knowing you!! We love you all!!
“And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means loose my reward”. Matthew 10:42
Sweet Dreams,
Having a daughter, I had high hopes of her looking to me for fashion tips. I couldn’t wait until she was older so we could shop together.
Since Emeline was a young girl she made it clear to me she did not want to be a “girly” girl. I was o.k. with that. Recently she respectfully told me her style was not my style and just because I liked something doesn’t necessarily mean she likes it. I was o.k. with that too, but taking this gal shopping has turned into a nightmare! First, she can’t make up her mind. Everything I suggest is sure to be turned down. I remember my mother telling me how difficult it was to spend money on clothes for me she thought were ugly!! I can only hope and pray I was half as respectful to my mother about it all as my daughter is to me.
Having a girlfriend’s daughter’s "hand-me-downs" has been a huge blessing. This comes from a teenager Emeline looks up to, so her clothes are welcome. Yesterday we went through a large bag of clothes and it was better then Christmas!
As I went through each garment there was something special about sharing in someone else’s past. Watching a fine young girl grow up, loving Jesus, making good choices, having a bible study in her school. Wow, I pray my daughter has that bold spirit about her! In a silly sort of way I was blessed financially and honored spiritually that Emeline would wear the clothes of such a fine teenager!
We have been blessed with so many teenagers (boys and girls) setting Godly examples to my children for years now. Loving life, working towards goals, yet never loosing the need for Jesus in their lives.
Thank you to all the young people out there who have made a positive impact on my children’s lives, for loving them just they way they are! Their lives are richer today for knowing you!! We love you all!!
“And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means loose my reward”. Matthew 10:42
Sweet Dreams,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Right Under The Teacher's Nose!
Sitting in the front of a room is out of my comfort zone. When I walk into a room I like to sit in the back or side of the room. I guess a Psychologist could do an analysis on that and tell me why. For me, it has to do with “Blending.” I’m a person who does not like to stand out in a crowd.
Two out of three of my children in the past wind up with their seat assignment “Right under the teacher’s nose”. During my initial visit to Sam’s classroom at the beginning of the year two weeks ago, I noticed the teacher had Sam in the second row on the end. I was pleased to see Sam making a progression toward the middle of the room (where his mama likes to sit!) As I entered Sam’s classroom last night for “Back to School Night”, I headed for Sam’s seat and someone was in it! The teacher directed me to Sam’s new seat…..first row… next to the teacher’s desk! That would have been my very last choice for seats! To make matters worse, since the desks and seats are small I felt like a giant sitting in the front of the class!
With each new school year come steps towards independent learning and reasoning. A good teacher will gently push the students as far as they can go, taking them at times out of their comfort zone. Sam’s teacher is delightful and I can tell she will attempt (with God’s help) to do all of the above!
Being out of my comfort zone is a place I wind up from time to time. Like most, familiar ground is preferred, but it is in those times of life when I’m feeling exposed and vulnerable that God steps in and reveals Himself, pushing me to higher grounds! God uses these times in my life to show His faithfulness and presence.
I pray our children see God in the process of learning as their minds are challenged to achieve academic excellence. May they see the need for Jesus in their lives to achieve Spiritual excellence that often takes them out of their comfort zone!
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places.” Psalm 18:32-33.
Have a wonderful day!
Two out of three of my children in the past wind up with their seat assignment “Right under the teacher’s nose”. During my initial visit to Sam’s classroom at the beginning of the year two weeks ago, I noticed the teacher had Sam in the second row on the end. I was pleased to see Sam making a progression toward the middle of the room (where his mama likes to sit!) As I entered Sam’s classroom last night for “Back to School Night”, I headed for Sam’s seat and someone was in it! The teacher directed me to Sam’s new seat…..first row… next to the teacher’s desk! That would have been my very last choice for seats! To make matters worse, since the desks and seats are small I felt like a giant sitting in the front of the class!
With each new school year come steps towards independent learning and reasoning. A good teacher will gently push the students as far as they can go, taking them at times out of their comfort zone. Sam’s teacher is delightful and I can tell she will attempt (with God’s help) to do all of the above!
Being out of my comfort zone is a place I wind up from time to time. Like most, familiar ground is preferred, but it is in those times of life when I’m feeling exposed and vulnerable that God steps in and reveals Himself, pushing me to higher grounds! God uses these times in my life to show His faithfulness and presence.
I pray our children see God in the process of learning as their minds are challenged to achieve academic excellence. May they see the need for Jesus in their lives to achieve Spiritual excellence that often takes them out of their comfort zone!
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places.” Psalm 18:32-33.
Have a wonderful day!
Monday, September 15, 2008
An Answered Prayer
My life is beyond blessed in so many ways, I have a difficult time asking God for things. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ.” Philippians 4:6-7
"Pray without ceasing". I Thessalonians 5:17. Praying for others is a privilege and a commitment I do not take lightly. It is an honor to bring those I know and love as well as others “boldly before the thrown of grace”, asking God to intervene and reveal His perfect will. However, sometimes God chooses to not answer our prayers the way we would hope and pray. We need to accept whatever it is that God has for us. From life experience I can tell you that God sees a much bigger picture then what our eyes can see. He will not withhold any good thing from those who walk with Him and abide in Him. So what is good? GOD IS GOOD!! VERY GOOD!!
Recently our finances have become tight in a way I have not experienced. Lots of changes needed to take place, cutting corners and costs wherever possible.
A Women’s conference was in town this past weekend. Typically this is a difficult time of year for me to get away with school starting up and sports. For the last several years I have declined, knowing I needed and wanted to tend to my family.
The day the conference started my heart was heavy to go. I spoke to my girlfriend and could have asked her to try and see if there was an extra ticket, but I chose to pray and just let the Lord take care of it if He wanted me to go. “Lord, I would really love to go to the conference this weekend. If you want me to go, please have someone call me with a ticket”. I knew if anyone would call it would be someone who doesn’t know me very well, because those close to me know I would most likely say NO.
God used a very dear friend of mine, a steadfast friend, who loves Jesus, and He spoke to her heart. A ticket was available. I was thankful and thrilled. I immediately called my other girlfriend to tell her I was going. “No Way” were her words, “Where are you sitting?” Gosh I hadn’t thought of that and it didn’t really matter although I would have liked to sit near my buddies. Before I knew it yet another ticket was obtained for me, this time in the box suite with my girlfriends! The humbling part? It was free!
Thank you to all my girlfriends (you know who you are) for allowing God to work through you to bless someone who needed a day off to worship, honor, and soak in the love of Jesus!
Sweet blessings,
"Pray without ceasing". I Thessalonians 5:17. Praying for others is a privilege and a commitment I do not take lightly. It is an honor to bring those I know and love as well as others “boldly before the thrown of grace”, asking God to intervene and reveal His perfect will. However, sometimes God chooses to not answer our prayers the way we would hope and pray. We need to accept whatever it is that God has for us. From life experience I can tell you that God sees a much bigger picture then what our eyes can see. He will not withhold any good thing from those who walk with Him and abide in Him. So what is good? GOD IS GOOD!! VERY GOOD!!
Recently our finances have become tight in a way I have not experienced. Lots of changes needed to take place, cutting corners and costs wherever possible.
A Women’s conference was in town this past weekend. Typically this is a difficult time of year for me to get away with school starting up and sports. For the last several years I have declined, knowing I needed and wanted to tend to my family.
The day the conference started my heart was heavy to go. I spoke to my girlfriend and could have asked her to try and see if there was an extra ticket, but I chose to pray and just let the Lord take care of it if He wanted me to go. “Lord, I would really love to go to the conference this weekend. If you want me to go, please have someone call me with a ticket”. I knew if anyone would call it would be someone who doesn’t know me very well, because those close to me know I would most likely say NO.
God used a very dear friend of mine, a steadfast friend, who loves Jesus, and He spoke to her heart. A ticket was available. I was thankful and thrilled. I immediately called my other girlfriend to tell her I was going. “No Way” were her words, “Where are you sitting?” Gosh I hadn’t thought of that and it didn’t really matter although I would have liked to sit near my buddies. Before I knew it yet another ticket was obtained for me, this time in the box suite with my girlfriends! The humbling part? It was free!
Thank you to all my girlfriends (you know who you are) for allowing God to work through you to bless someone who needed a day off to worship, honor, and soak in the love of Jesus!
Sweet blessings,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
"Yes, That Would Be Me!"
Yesterday morning I opened up the freezer, and to my surprise instead of feeling cold air, I sensed warmer air! Anyone who has been to my house knows we have a very large freezer and it just so happened to be packed! Unsure of what to do, I e-mailed my husband. He advised to keep the freezer closed and he contacted an appliance service man.
By the time Steve came home the freezer was room temperature and food had already been spoiled. We packed up a large cooler of meats to take to Steve’s office and utilized a neighbor’s extra freezer for over flow as well. “What could be wrong with it?’ we wondered. It’s a Sub Zero, and they’re supposed to last forever!!
Today Carl the Appliance man showed up to fix our freezer. I was glad to see him, soon the problem would be solved!
“It’s a shame your husband decided to turn the freezer off” were Carl’s words. He needed to see the freezer running to diagnose the problem. He suggested we turn it back on and leave it on for twenty four hours and then he would come back. I suggested we get Steve on the phone and talk to him about this. “I didn’t turn the freezer off!” were Steve’s words.
Being the mother of my two boys, I immediately knew one of them had something to do with this! Someone had turned off the freezer! Steve and I were utterly embarrassed that neither one of us thought to check to see if the freezer was shut off, “Who would do such a thing?”
After writing a check to Carl for the service call, he went on his way with a good story to tell his family I’m sure!! I couldn’t wait to speak to the boys when they got off the bus!!
When Sam and Zachary arrived home I asked them to go stand in front of the freezer. I opened it up and showed them the dial which turns the system on. “Did someone touch this dial?”. Zachary’s arm shot right up like he was in a classroom and said “Yes, that would be me!”
When situations like this happen in life it can ruin the day. Yes, it was annoying, but I chose to be thankful for a husband that came and helped me manage it all, and having neighbors to chip in and let us crowd their freezer! We all had a laugh and learned a good lesson. If the freezer isn’t working, check the dial to make sure one of the boys didn’t turn it off while getting a Klondike Bar!!
“Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds”. Hebrews 10:24
By the time Steve came home the freezer was room temperature and food had already been spoiled. We packed up a large cooler of meats to take to Steve’s office and utilized a neighbor’s extra freezer for over flow as well. “What could be wrong with it?’ we wondered. It’s a Sub Zero, and they’re supposed to last forever!!
Today Carl the Appliance man showed up to fix our freezer. I was glad to see him, soon the problem would be solved!
“It’s a shame your husband decided to turn the freezer off” were Carl’s words. He needed to see the freezer running to diagnose the problem. He suggested we turn it back on and leave it on for twenty four hours and then he would come back. I suggested we get Steve on the phone and talk to him about this. “I didn’t turn the freezer off!” were Steve’s words.
Being the mother of my two boys, I immediately knew one of them had something to do with this! Someone had turned off the freezer! Steve and I were utterly embarrassed that neither one of us thought to check to see if the freezer was shut off, “Who would do such a thing?”
After writing a check to Carl for the service call, he went on his way with a good story to tell his family I’m sure!! I couldn’t wait to speak to the boys when they got off the bus!!
When Sam and Zachary arrived home I asked them to go stand in front of the freezer. I opened it up and showed them the dial which turns the system on. “Did someone touch this dial?”. Zachary’s arm shot right up like he was in a classroom and said “Yes, that would be me!”
When situations like this happen in life it can ruin the day. Yes, it was annoying, but I chose to be thankful for a husband that came and helped me manage it all, and having neighbors to chip in and let us crowd their freezer! We all had a laugh and learned a good lesson. If the freezer isn’t working, check the dial to make sure one of the boys didn’t turn it off while getting a Klondike Bar!!
“Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds”. Hebrews 10:24
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Now What Do I Do?
For someone who does not watch more then @ five minutes of TV a day to get the local weather, this gal has been TV binging for the last month! First it was the Olympics. My kids and I watched most nights sometimes staying up until midnight! We cheered our hearts out for the USA!! Since all three kids were on the swim team this year, the swimming was so exciting for us to watch, and Michael Phelps was amazing!! Hearing Michael’s story told by his mom was precious, as I have a son much like Michael in his personality.
There were some sports we enjoyed more then others, but one thing is for sure….. those athletes rocked, and we were so proud of our country!!!!! Every night my six year old would say to me “Mommy, tell me who we are routing for!”
After the Olympics came tennis. During the US Open every year I tell my family “This is all about me for two weeks!” I watch as much tennis as I can, especially at night. Most nights everyone sits and watches with me. I think they all get a kick out of how pumped up I get over the game! Earlier this week was the women’s finals, and what a show Serena Williams provided for the fans of New York! One of the best matches I have ever seen. Serena has winning skills like no one else. Finally, Federer took the men’s championship, of course. The match was predictable, and….good for Roger!
So, now what do I do? The olympics are over, tennis is over, and I’m in the habit of staying up late and watching TV! Thank goodness Sarah Palin has come along, now I can follow that amazing woman!
In reality, I need to buckle down and start reading more and working on a fall Bible study. Although I will miss the summer fun, my soul needs nourishing and now is a good time to get started!
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. Psalm 119:105
Sweet dreams and blessings,
There were some sports we enjoyed more then others, but one thing is for sure….. those athletes rocked, and we were so proud of our country!!!!! Every night my six year old would say to me “Mommy, tell me who we are routing for!”
After the Olympics came tennis. During the US Open every year I tell my family “This is all about me for two weeks!” I watch as much tennis as I can, especially at night. Most nights everyone sits and watches with me. I think they all get a kick out of how pumped up I get over the game! Earlier this week was the women’s finals, and what a show Serena Williams provided for the fans of New York! One of the best matches I have ever seen. Serena has winning skills like no one else. Finally, Federer took the men’s championship, of course. The match was predictable, and….good for Roger!
So, now what do I do? The olympics are over, tennis is over, and I’m in the habit of staying up late and watching TV! Thank goodness Sarah Palin has come along, now I can follow that amazing woman!
In reality, I need to buckle down and start reading more and working on a fall Bible study. Although I will miss the summer fun, my soul needs nourishing and now is a good time to get started!
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. Psalm 119:105
Sweet dreams and blessings,
Monday, September 8, 2008
"A Boy's Best Bird"

Most people talk abut a “Man’s Best Friend”, the dog, but it really should be called “Women’s Best friend”, don’t you think? After all, it’s us gals that really take the brunt of responsibility when it comes to our beloved pets. Sure, my dog is cute, but I don’t need another “Best Friend”!
Sam worked long and hard over the summer being tutored to keep him academically strong for the start of second grade. We talked about a special reward at the end of the summer after he concluded all the hours of reading and writing. All Sam wanted was a bird to take care of and be “his best friend”.
Sam struggles sometimes with social skills and can be rough with kids his own age, not intentional of course, Sam has the biggest heart. Children his age don’t always see how special Sam is.
A few years ago one of our much loved babysitters brought her new baby for us to meet. She lovingly placed the tiny baby in Sam’s arms (sitting down of course!). We were all blown away to see my high energy, impulsive boy behave so responsibly, lovingly, and tenderly toward this baby. From then on Sam has always been so sweet with little babies and pets (I wish I could say the same for my six year old!)
I was not anxious to acquire another pet in my family, but I knew this was a good step for Sam.
Three weeks ago Charlie the Parakeet came home to live with us (we don’t really know if he is a boy or girl, how do you tell?). He was a gift from Sam’s tutor, my mom. Watching my son take care of this bird is just precious. Yes, of course the first few days he got out of his cage and was flying all over the house with me screaming “This is not acceptable, I knew this would happen!!” Recently I walked into Sam’s room and saw him sitting on his bed with Charlie in his cage on the bed playing the guitar. Now, Sam does not know how to play the guitar but he played with all his heart to bless his best friend Charlie.
On the way out to school the other day Sam requested, “Mom please spend time with Charlie today, he’ll miss me.” The good mom I try to be, there I was chirping upstairs in Sam’s room at Charlie with the dog looking up at me as if he was saying “What in the world are you doing?”
Ah, the things we do for our children, and yes, for our pets too.
Sweet dreams and blessings,
Sam worked long and hard over the summer being tutored to keep him academically strong for the start of second grade. We talked about a special reward at the end of the summer after he concluded all the hours of reading and writing. All Sam wanted was a bird to take care of and be “his best friend”.
Sam struggles sometimes with social skills and can be rough with kids his own age, not intentional of course, Sam has the biggest heart. Children his age don’t always see how special Sam is.
A few years ago one of our much loved babysitters brought her new baby for us to meet. She lovingly placed the tiny baby in Sam’s arms (sitting down of course!). We were all blown away to see my high energy, impulsive boy behave so responsibly, lovingly, and tenderly toward this baby. From then on Sam has always been so sweet with little babies and pets (I wish I could say the same for my six year old!)
I was not anxious to acquire another pet in my family, but I knew this was a good step for Sam.
Three weeks ago Charlie the Parakeet came home to live with us (we don’t really know if he is a boy or girl, how do you tell?). He was a gift from Sam’s tutor, my mom. Watching my son take care of this bird is just precious. Yes, of course the first few days he got out of his cage and was flying all over the house with me screaming “This is not acceptable, I knew this would happen!!” Recently I walked into Sam’s room and saw him sitting on his bed with Charlie in his cage on the bed playing the guitar. Now, Sam does not know how to play the guitar but he played with all his heart to bless his best friend Charlie.
On the way out to school the other day Sam requested, “Mom please spend time with Charlie today, he’ll miss me.” The good mom I try to be, there I was chirping upstairs in Sam’s room at Charlie with the dog looking up at me as if he was saying “What in the world are you doing?”
Ah, the things we do for our children, and yes, for our pets too.
Sweet dreams and blessings,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Baby Is Growing Up!

This week I have been trying to remember not to forget Zachary’s birthday. For some reason I can rattle off Emeline and Sam’s birthday, but when I am asked Zachary’s birth date there is always a pause…….9-6-01!! (oooops, I mean 02!!)
Having three babies in three years was not an easy task.
I lived most of my life single and a career woman, getting married in my late thirties. After several miscarriages we had Emeline. Less then a year later we were surprised to find out that we were having our second child (Sam). Not really sure whether we were done and me feeling like my biological clock was ticking away, we decided to try for one more. I had a cut off time for how long I wanted to try and prayed for God to answer that question based on my cut off date (I know, pretty bold of me). The cut off date came and went and I wasn’t pregnant. It was a New Year’s Day (in the shower) that I resolved my life to being o.k. with two children. I thanked God for Emeline and Sam and I was ready to settle into being happy with and blessed to have just them. God had different plans!
My calculations were wrong. After a positive pregnancy test and rushing to the doctor’s office to be monitored for my “high risk” miscarriage status, I said out loud to all the nurses, “I have no idea how this happened, I’m not supposed to be pregnant!!” I can only imagine how ridiculous I must have sounded.
Nine months later and six years ago today Zachary came into the world, my third child. While I was pregnant I was sure I was having a girl, after all, the Lord knew I would be a better girl’s mom then a boy’s mom. Again, God had different plans.
I have not recovered jumping from child #2 to child #3. I’ve read and heard several accounts of families having numerous children yet it was the jump from #2 to #3 that was the most difficult, especially when having them so close to each other.
I stand in awe of women with three or more children that seem to have survived this phase in life. God has been so good to have blessed me with several dear friends who have high energy children, especially boys! There’s a certain bond I feel with women who “get” the boy thing. One thing is for sure, laughter is absolute key to our sanity!! None of these women act like they have it all together, WE KNOW WE DON’T!! We’re just thankful to get from one day to the next with God’s grace and wisdom!!
Sometimes I think back to my talk with God and being settled with two children. Gosh, I can’t imagine my life without Zachary, he has been such a blessing in our lives. He’s quite a character and raises many eye brows, but I’m use to that by now having two other imperfect children. We pray as Zachary grows and matures he will see a need for Jesus in his life. If he can grasp that…..he’ll be just fine.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.: Prverbs 22:6
Happy Birthday Zachary!! We love you so much!!!
Having three babies in three years was not an easy task.
I lived most of my life single and a career woman, getting married in my late thirties. After several miscarriages we had Emeline. Less then a year later we were surprised to find out that we were having our second child (Sam). Not really sure whether we were done and me feeling like my biological clock was ticking away, we decided to try for one more. I had a cut off time for how long I wanted to try and prayed for God to answer that question based on my cut off date (I know, pretty bold of me). The cut off date came and went and I wasn’t pregnant. It was a New Year’s Day (in the shower) that I resolved my life to being o.k. with two children. I thanked God for Emeline and Sam and I was ready to settle into being happy with and blessed to have just them. God had different plans!
My calculations were wrong. After a positive pregnancy test and rushing to the doctor’s office to be monitored for my “high risk” miscarriage status, I said out loud to all the nurses, “I have no idea how this happened, I’m not supposed to be pregnant!!” I can only imagine how ridiculous I must have sounded.
Nine months later and six years ago today Zachary came into the world, my third child. While I was pregnant I was sure I was having a girl, after all, the Lord knew I would be a better girl’s mom then a boy’s mom. Again, God had different plans.
I have not recovered jumping from child #2 to child #3. I’ve read and heard several accounts of families having numerous children yet it was the jump from #2 to #3 that was the most difficult, especially when having them so close to each other.
I stand in awe of women with three or more children that seem to have survived this phase in life. God has been so good to have blessed me with several dear friends who have high energy children, especially boys! There’s a certain bond I feel with women who “get” the boy thing. One thing is for sure, laughter is absolute key to our sanity!! None of these women act like they have it all together, WE KNOW WE DON’T!! We’re just thankful to get from one day to the next with God’s grace and wisdom!!
Sometimes I think back to my talk with God and being settled with two children. Gosh, I can’t imagine my life without Zachary, he has been such a blessing in our lives. He’s quite a character and raises many eye brows, but I’m use to that by now having two other imperfect children. We pray as Zachary grows and matures he will see a need for Jesus in his life. If he can grasp that…..he’ll be just fine.
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.: Prverbs 22:6
Happy Birthday Zachary!! We love you so much!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Follow The Bus

Many years ago I attended a home bible study with mostly married people. I was single and traveling with my job, marriage and a family was no where in sight for me. One of the women with younger children at the time told me every year on the first day of school she follows the bus after her kids get on, all the way to school. That sounded like one of the funniest things I had ever heard. I couldn’t believe someone would do that!
All these years later, now having three young children I follow the bus to school on the first day!! People laugh when I tell them what I do but I’m happy to know how safe the driver appears, and how well the children seem to behave.
Having my two boys on the bus keeps me reserved thinking they’ll ride all year long. Keeping their hands to themselves is not something they do well. Wrestling has become their favorite sport when they’re together. Sure, I tried to put the fear of God in them, telling them there is a “no touch” rule on the bus and they must both sit behind the driver in separate seats. If they choose to fight on the bus, they will regret making that decision when they come home!
This is the first year all three kids are on the bus, and I love the thought of not having to run back and forth to school. My heart is a little sad with the start of school, we had such an awesome summer together. I was rarely without at least one or two of them all summer long, I’m missing them already!! Right now my companions are the dog (ICE) and the parakeet (Charlie).
Taking the bus for my kids is an act of independence. They know I will gladly drive them to school but I think in their own way they know much about life and how to get along can be learned on the bus. We’ve had our share of “issues”, but we handle each situation as a teaching tool and of course, pull them off the bus if they can’t behave themselves!!
I can’t wait until Bob (the bus driver) returns them home safely so I can kiss their cute little faces!!
Happy back to school week!!!
All these years later, now having three young children I follow the bus to school on the first day!! People laugh when I tell them what I do but I’m happy to know how safe the driver appears, and how well the children seem to behave.
Having my two boys on the bus keeps me reserved thinking they’ll ride all year long. Keeping their hands to themselves is not something they do well. Wrestling has become their favorite sport when they’re together. Sure, I tried to put the fear of God in them, telling them there is a “no touch” rule on the bus and they must both sit behind the driver in separate seats. If they choose to fight on the bus, they will regret making that decision when they come home!
This is the first year all three kids are on the bus, and I love the thought of not having to run back and forth to school. My heart is a little sad with the start of school, we had such an awesome summer together. I was rarely without at least one or two of them all summer long, I’m missing them already!! Right now my companions are the dog (ICE) and the parakeet (Charlie).
Taking the bus for my kids is an act of independence. They know I will gladly drive them to school but I think in their own way they know much about life and how to get along can be learned on the bus. We’ve had our share of “issues”, but we handle each situation as a teaching tool and of course, pull them off the bus if they can’t behave themselves!!
I can’t wait until Bob (the bus driver) returns them home safely so I can kiss their cute little faces!!
Happy back to school week!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Sweet Time Of Fellowship
Steve announced on Thursday before Labor Day he wanted to go away. I just returned home from a long trip from one shining sea to the other with the kids and was not looking forward to pack everyone up again! Since my husband has been working until midnight most nights for the last four months I knew this was important for him to spend time with the family.
Steve rented a little house up the mountains that had room for friends to come so we invited dear friends of ours hoping the day’s notice wouldn’t be a problem!! When they couldn’t swing the trip we decided to go just our family. All I was secretly hoping for was to not cook, and be able to watch the US Open!!
When we arrived at our destination in the mountains, I tried hard not to “bee line” it to the TV to see if the Open was on. IT WAS NOT! I decided I would not die without seeing tennis over the weekend. Instead we all started to play cards. “Spit”, “Trash”, and “Go Fish” were words used often over the course of the weekend. It was hard to understand why Emeline and Steve won most of the time and the boys and I lost most of the time!
The best part of the weekend was the sweet fellowship with Steve. Sure the kids were crazy and the boys are into wrestling all the time but in the midst of the utter chaos we were able to talk, discuss, and pray about the challenges that lie ahead for us over the next year. Spending time reading the bible and praying gave us both a sense of security to know we are in this thing called life together with a God who is faithful and still very good. Sometimes we can’t trace His hand, but we can trust His heart.
“Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him” Psalm 34:8
Thank you to all our friends and family who love us, and pray for us. We are eternally grateful!!
Steve rented a little house up the mountains that had room for friends to come so we invited dear friends of ours hoping the day’s notice wouldn’t be a problem!! When they couldn’t swing the trip we decided to go just our family. All I was secretly hoping for was to not cook, and be able to watch the US Open!!
When we arrived at our destination in the mountains, I tried hard not to “bee line” it to the TV to see if the Open was on. IT WAS NOT! I decided I would not die without seeing tennis over the weekend. Instead we all started to play cards. “Spit”, “Trash”, and “Go Fish” were words used often over the course of the weekend. It was hard to understand why Emeline and Steve won most of the time and the boys and I lost most of the time!
The best part of the weekend was the sweet fellowship with Steve. Sure the kids were crazy and the boys are into wrestling all the time but in the midst of the utter chaos we were able to talk, discuss, and pray about the challenges that lie ahead for us over the next year. Spending time reading the bible and praying gave us both a sense of security to know we are in this thing called life together with a God who is faithful and still very good. Sometimes we can’t trace His hand, but we can trust His heart.
“Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him” Psalm 34:8
Thank you to all our friends and family who love us, and pray for us. We are eternally grateful!!
Staying Inside The Wake

My first sport ever was water skiing. At age five (maybe four) I tried and got up on two skis. Back then, that was the only water sport you could do behind a boat. A few years later I mastered a slalom ski and enjoyed cutting in and out of the wake, determined to show my brother up!
Today there are so many floating devices for boats to pull, from wake boards, surf boards, to banana boats, and now there is a “kite like” thing that can actually lift you in the air!!
Emeline has taken to water sports like her mama, we have even skied together at the same time, one my favorite things to do with my own mother when I was a little girl.
Recently I was elected the “watcher” on the boat to cheer on the next generation of water skiers, surfers, wake boarders, and fliers!! It was Emeline's turn and she decided to do the wake board. The board positions you sideways and wants you to ride the wake. As the boat pulled Emeline out of the water, she popped out sideways, and sure enough the board wanted to go out of the wake. I could immediately tell she did not want to do that and fought to stay behind the boat inside the wake where the water was calmer. Unfortunately the board won and took her flying outside the wake where it was much rougher and harder to control her balance.
As I watched Emeline fight to hang in there outside the wake with lots of waves, I thought how the boat represents God and we represent the skier or boarder. Staying behind the boat and allowing it to “cut” the waves makes skiing much easier. Allowing God to carry our burdens for us and direct our path in life makes our journey much smoother and peaceful.
Emeline’s favorite verse helps her at night along with praying when she is afraid. She memorizes it and recites it often. I pray she will always seek God for help in times of trouble, and allow Jesus to “cut” the waves of life for her.
“I will sleep in peace, for You alone oh Lord make me dwell in safety”. Psalm 4:8
Sweet dreams and blessings,
Today there are so many floating devices for boats to pull, from wake boards, surf boards, to banana boats, and now there is a “kite like” thing that can actually lift you in the air!!
Emeline has taken to water sports like her mama, we have even skied together at the same time, one my favorite things to do with my own mother when I was a little girl.
Recently I was elected the “watcher” on the boat to cheer on the next generation of water skiers, surfers, wake boarders, and fliers!! It was Emeline's turn and she decided to do the wake board. The board positions you sideways and wants you to ride the wake. As the boat pulled Emeline out of the water, she popped out sideways, and sure enough the board wanted to go out of the wake. I could immediately tell she did not want to do that and fought to stay behind the boat inside the wake where the water was calmer. Unfortunately the board won and took her flying outside the wake where it was much rougher and harder to control her balance.
As I watched Emeline fight to hang in there outside the wake with lots of waves, I thought how the boat represents God and we represent the skier or boarder. Staying behind the boat and allowing it to “cut” the waves makes skiing much easier. Allowing God to carry our burdens for us and direct our path in life makes our journey much smoother and peaceful.
Emeline’s favorite verse helps her at night along with praying when she is afraid. She memorizes it and recites it often. I pray she will always seek God for help in times of trouble, and allow Jesus to “cut” the waves of life for her.
“I will sleep in peace, for You alone oh Lord make me dwell in safety”. Psalm 4:8
Sweet dreams and blessings,
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