Having a birthday in October puts me right in there with the multitudes. I could rattle off ten names easily of friends and family who share a birthday within days of my own. Today is mine and I enjoyed every minute of it!
A birthday celebration for me is extending it for the entire month of October. Why? Because my favorite thing to do is spend one on one time with friends and family. Having a dear friend take time out of her busy schedule to talk on the phone or meet me for a cup of coffee is what makes me happy. Although I appreciate gifts, I would choose someone spending time with me over a gift. I know how precious time is to all of us.
The festivities started last night when two friends took me out and of course we solved all the worlds’ problems with no barriers. Instead of avoiding politics and religion, they were the main topics covered last night!
Today I got up and got the kids off to school. As I waved good-bye and threw kisses as the bus drove away, I wondered what I would do with my day. For the first time ever I decided (in honor of myself) I was going to go back to bed and enjoy extra sleep, JUST BECAUSE!! As I crawled back into my warm bed trying not to feel too guilty, someone starts knocking on my door and ringing the doorbell, a little frantically I might add! At first I was hoping they would go away, I wasn’t expecting anyone. As the knocking got louder I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs. It was my friend Laurie!! She had stopped by to wish me a Happy Birthday before work. She’s standing there all dolled up and I look like, well, I just got out of bed! She didn’t care and neither did I! We quickly had a cup of coffee, chatted, I opened her gifts and she went on her way. Then I went back to bed!
Upon my second wake up call of the day I decided I needed to have a plan for my birthday. I wanted to (of course) honor myself, but wanted to honor others, starting with God first. After making myself breakfast (another first for me) I sat and had my devotions in prayer and reading my Bible. My heart was filled with joy and thankfulness for all that I have.
The phone calls and e-mails started to come in from friends and family wishing me a Happy Birthday. Some sang, others just told me how much, well, they liked me! I wanted to reach out to someone on my birthday so I made a contact to help a family in my community whose house just burnt down. Then I went off to play tennis. Somehow, when I arrived at the club many people knew it was my birthday, and that just made me smile! Every hour I was blessed by someone making a contact, and mostly people whom I don’t see or talk to very often.
When the kids came home from school we all went out for a bike ride (except Emeline, she ran), that made me very happy!
Tonight was spent going out for dinner and spending time at my parents eating chocolate mousse cake.
One significant thing I did today was develop a plan on pursuing a dream or maybe calling from God, not sure which yet. I have been encouraged by so many to write a book. Having this blog and attending two writers conferences made me realize I do not have the gift of writing, yet I have had a burning desire to write a book for girls with ADD for many months now. Last night my friend Kelli very boldly said “You must start writing this book! What are you waiting for?” Today I have a plan on taking the next step for the book. So…there Kelli!! Thanks for the nudge; I look forward to the journey and seeing what God does. My mom will co-author the book with me. Just spending the extra time with my mom will be worth whatever happens!!
Sweet Dreams and thanks for making my “All About Me” Day extra special!!
Debbie: Happy belated birthday. I didn't know!! I think you should come celebrate with an order of eggs w/havarti cheese & corn at Martha's in HB. yummmmm
Hope to see you soon.
Thanks for not ignoring the frantic knocking and doorbell-ringing! You deserved a special day. And you are a great writer, you DO have a gift...so keep it up! xo, Laur
I can't wait to read your book! (And yikes, I hope "bold" isn't a euphamism for "rude!"). I know God has put this story in your heart. Follow Him!
Also, I am missing you all at Bible study so I will crash the "party" one day soon! Plus, you're a wonderful hostess so don't worry for a second if all is not "perfect."
Love you,
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