Monday, August 4, 2008

The Noise Of My Boys!

“Can somebody shoot me please?” How often these words run through my mind!! With only nineteen months apart, ages five and seven, Samuel and Zachary wake up most mornings swinging at each other. They’re not malicious. Just boys! Some days I handle it better then others. Being away with them recently for five days without my husband left my nerves frazzled. Sure, we had fun mountain climbing, canoeing, swimming, miniature golfing, rock climbing and tubing, but all the while I teeter back and forth between the role of camp director, disciplinarian, and referee. I’ve tried different ways to conform these boys into non-aggressive, gentle, well mannered, “kind to each other” young men, but there are days when I just want to give up!

Samuel spends 95% of his life fretting over Zachary, and Zachary pushes every button imaginable to make Sam act that way.

Since my husband works late many nights, the days can seem long, especially since I don’t allow TV or video games. Sometimes I believe I have the worst boys this side of the Mississippi! Every other mother seems to manage and raise calmer boys then mine.

The one main ingredient that keeps me half sane is praying that God will give me wisdom, strength and lots of patience!! In the global picture, I am the first to admit that they are fun, adorable, full of life, and loved by so many!

Honestly, the only strategy that works is to keep them separated when AT ALL POSSIBLE.

Recently I was at my “wits end”, asking God, “How do I do this?” Once again, He was faithful to reveal Himself to me. First, he reminded me through a friend, how quickly these crazy years will be over, and I’ll miss it. Second, through another friend, I was reminded that my boys really aren’t that different. Most siblings argue, annoy each other, and yes, even fight. Sure, there are the exceptional “well behaved” children, but we decided together that CRAZY KIDS ROCK, and laughed our way through sharing stories. Finally, my dear sweet mother offered to take one of the boys for the whole morning. Having a break for a few hours from the chaos was like a vacation!

These days of mine are not ending any time soon. I’m determined with God’s help to keep going, enjoying my CRAZY boys. God has provided me with friends (with older boys) who encourage me, help me to laugh, and remind me just how amazing my boys really are!

“I will go in the strength of the Lord God; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only”. Psalm 71:16



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