“The mountains will bring peace to the people, And the little hills, by righteousness”. Psalm 72:3. It was an “utterly” chaotic morning as we were trying to move the troops out of town for a ski weekend up the mountains at one of our favorite summer vacation places, Camp-of-the-Woods. The camp closes down in the winter leaving only the main lodge open. With a six hour ride ahead of us I was hoping to leave early in the morning to get an afternoon of fun in the snow. It was apparent as the morning went on that we were not going to make it to camp by noon. I happily lowered my expectation of the departure anticipating now to get there by 3:00 to get an hour or two in of fun until dinner time. After we finally departed and got our coffee for the ride I had refereed several arguments with the kids and campaigned for myself with my husband as to why on earth we needed all the bags for three nights away!! I was now only hopeful that we would make it by dinner time and I was putting my foot down on that one!!
As we pulled into camp, we registered and received a long list of fun activities to insure an exciting weekend for all!! It was great to be back to our treasured Christian family camp!! I was driving us around to the rooms and my husband said “Let’s take a ride through camp and see what it looks like in the snow (there was at least 2 feet of snow)”. All I wanted to do was get into the rooms, unpack and go to dinner!! Not wanting to be a party pooper, I threw my SUV into four wheel drive and started through camp, it was like a snow ghost town. We were making fresh new tracks in the snow, it was rather exciting. As I was coming through the center of camp the snow seemed deeper but I kept going as Steve was nodding me on. Soon the car stopped as it sunk down into the snow. Inside the car was utter chaos “How could this happen?”, “We need to be rescued!”, “Can we get out of the car?”, “I have to go to the bathroom”, “We’re going to miss dinner!”, “Keep the doors closed”, “I hope we don’t ruin the path for the horse driven sleigh rides!” The chatter grew but my husband had the look of confidence, after all he owns and runs a Snow Management Company. This is right up his alley. The snow was too deep for us to get out of the car but Steve needed to take over the wheel to get us out! The chatter broke into bursts of laughter and frustration as six people gave their opinion on how to get the car out of the snow. Finally we had to revert to calling someone from the lodge to rescue us. It was a humbling act for my husband as a truck came, a man jumped out and said “Sir, this is not a plowed road!” As all the commotion was going on inside the car I looked out over the camp, through the trees and onto the lake. The sun was setting and it reminded me of one of my favorite verse “The Mountains will bring peace to the people……” I was forced to block out all the chaos inside the car for a moment and enjoy the peace on the outside through God’s creation.
So often I get caught up in the busyness of life, I don’t take enough time to look around me at all the blessings God has for me. I get caught up in the chaos of the everyday life. Sometime we’re forced whether we like it or not to take a moment and reflect on God’s peace and tranquility He has for us. The next day there was a big sign “NO VEHICLES BEYOND THIS POINT!!” As for the rest of the weekend, it was better then “Utterly O.K”.
Have a peaceful day J
Ah Yes Dear,
The confidence was clear until I could not get us out. Humbling I must say, as I have never been stuck before.
It was a great time with the family and meeting new people. Gods beauty and awesomeness in His creation always makes clear the eternal perspective that is necessary in everyday life.
Love Ya Hun!!
I love it! I can just picture the scene and ensuing chaos in my mind's eye. How wonderful that you, despite it all, were able catch a glimpse of God in the midst. Thank you for the inspiration and wonderful story.
Keep it up!
Next time, you'll have to leave even later as you attach one of Steve's snowplows to the front of your SUV, just in case there's another adventure!
Way to stop and smell the roses.
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