“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones”. Proverbs 12:4
Well that’s one big ouch!! What does that mean anyway?? I like to try and read a chapter a day in Proverbs to coincide with the day of the month. A few days ago I came across this verse. When I read scripture like this it makes me shrivel up inside. I’m not sure why it is there or if I even want to know what it means!!
Being married to Steve for ten years certainly has had its ups and downs. He says “Black” and I say “White”. He says “Go”, I say “Stop.” But rottenness to his bones? That sounds down right offensive!! Sometimes scripture doesn’t sit well with what our society tells us we should feel or how we should act. God doesn’t ask us to understand Him, He just asks us to believe Him. I grew up thinking the Christian world was perfect. I knew I did not measure up to that standard so I searched for alternatives in my life. Now that I have come to realize and believe that God’s word is true, when I come up against these more challenging verses I ask God to help me understand how I can please Him and become more like Him in my life. Steve and I could not be more opposite when it comes to our likes and dislikes. Our upbringing has been very different as well as our thoughts on how we should raise children. Several years ago I learned to see the very best in Steve. Giving him the benefit of the doubt was key in our growth to become a solid unit. I no longer looked at him as the enemy (well sometimes), but someone who loves me and wants God’s best for my life.
Love is an emotion that can come and go like the wind. I thank God that Steve and I (ten years ago) made a commitment to God first. That is what has kept us going. “Love suffers long and is kind; Love does not envy; Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7.
I still don’t feel like the “crown” of Steve, and I don’t know that I ever will, but my desire is to keep my eyes on Jesus and follow Him all the days of my life. Who knows, maybe somday (with God's help) I'll be that crown of Steve they're taking about!!
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Utterly Deb,
This is awesome! I love your message and how you brought it to life. How true that sometimes we just don't understand what God's Word really means, but we choose to accept that He is God and He is true.
Great job! I look forward to more adventures of "Utterly Deb."
Blessings and love,
Bravo for your honesty. We're all just trying to be faithful each day, and pray that God brings something good from it! He can make everything beautiful in His time. He's most interested in our hearts, and I know that your heart wants to please Him. Thank goodness He loves us just the way we are. And I love you that way too!
xo, Laur
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