Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lights, Camera, Action!

Family and friends have jokingly told us we need to write a book on our family, some say a movie could be produced! All our life experiences from trips to the ER, managing two crazy boys, raising a daughter with wisdom beyond her years, just to mention a few. Wherever I go, whomever I’m with, I have a funny story to share about the Summer gang.

Recently I was contacted to interview for an agency doing a study on ADHD children. After the interview I was contacted again and asked if the agency could come with camera men and do a professional video on our family. With the Christmas holiday in full swing I didn’t have much time to think about it.

Yesterday four guests came to my house from 2:00 until 8:30 PM, watching and interviewing our family. They brought lighting, cameras, video cameras, and a very large microphone that took one person to operate!

The leading character was Samuel. I wasn’t sure how he would mange his instant fame but prayed above all, these strangers would see Jesus in my children and I!

At first Sam seemed embarrassed to have the spotlight and cameras on him doing homework and eating his chocolate chip cookies. I actually saw him blush for the very first time! Then he became more comfortable with the process and realized they were very kind and not going away. I agreed to let the agency interview Sam and ask him some questions. Sam preferred they go up to his room and requested I stand outside his room (Ouch!!).

The funny part of Sam’s interview was he sat on his bed and during the course of the interview Sam took on at least ten different positions from laying down to sitting up, hanging his feet off the bed, picking at his pants, scratching his back, etc, with a video camera, microphone and light following his every move. The best part of Sam’s interview is four questions were answered by Sam with the words “Honoring the Lord”. One question, Sam talked about school and how he sometimes gets in trouble and that makes him feel sad. When asked why getting in trouble makes him feel sad, he replied “Because it is dishonoring to the Lord”. My prayers were answered through Sam.

The next interview was with Emeline who loves the camera, this was her moment to shine! She sang a song for the camera, played her clarinet, and did all kinds of crazy poses for the still-life camera person as well as sharing her life experiences.

During one of my many interviews yesterday I was asked how I mange my life, where do I go personally to find rest? My reply was “God”, “My faith”, “Prayers”. Of course I then gave so much credit to all the wonderful doctors, professionals, and mostly the amazing friends God has blessed me with, encouraging a light heart, and lots of laughs along the way!

I don’t know whether the company captured all they set out to do, but one thing was for sure. God was honored and glorified yesterday as we sat around the dinner table with our guests, holding their hands, and asking the blessing on the food and our time together.

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Sweet Dreams,


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