Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Utterly Chaotic Yet Fun Snow Day!

An unexpected snow day in March!! Three days ago we learned a “Nor’easter” was coming up the coast promising heavy snow!

Having the kids home for a snow day use to be quiet and confining. Not anymore, the phone calls started immediately orchestrating snow dates. By the time I listened to my voicemail we had already missed one sledding date!

My morning was consumed with trying to navigate my parents safely home from Atlanta, as well as manage lots of kids! Mom and Dad had been stuck for two days trying to get home from a cruise. With a series of mis-haps, it started to seem like they would never come home!! They were bumped off numerous flights and others were cancelled. With yet another delay yesterday afternoon I called the airline and told them I have two elderly parents (I didn’t mention how in shape and “young” my mother was for 73) who both take medication that they no longer have who need to come home. I stressed they could no longer be put on stand by, they needed to be on the next flight out. Meanwhile my mother was told they were # 37 on stand by for a full flight. “Sure, no problem, I can get them both on the flight.” REALLY? I couldn’t believe my ears, someone actually willing to help and had the authority to override the system! Praise God, they ran to gate C-3 who quickly redirected them to gate C-24 and up up and away they went!

As any mom can imagine, my time on the phone did not go smoothly having all the kids home. At one point I had two people on two separate phone lines while Sam came in screaming, the dog knocked my neighbor down and “she’s really hurt”! As I have the two ladies (my mom and airline rep) on the phone I was screaming at the top of my lungs for the dog to get off the neighbor and come inside (the dog never listens to me)! Then shortly after that (while I’m still on the phone) another child came in screaming the dog ate his snow goggles! This went on and on!

Finally as my parents were in the air on their way home Steve walked in! Owning a Snow Management company means we NEVER see Steve if it is snowing, in fact we don’t see him days before or after a storm.

Although the kids had already been out numerous times sledding, snow-blowing the drive (I wish I had a picture of the job they did), having snow ball fights, and building snow men we all decided to go sledding. We headed out to our favorite very large sledding hill. It was so much fun to see the hundreds of kids and parents having a ball. What is it about snow, a sled, and a hill? It brings out the kid in all of us. Steve and I went down the hill so fast I thought we would kill ourselves and others!

After our fun day was over, we said good-bye to Steve, went to McDonald’s for take out, and headed down to the airport to meet my parents. Although they had their own car I wanted to escort them safely home. Trying to make life easier for them we picked up their dog on the way to the airport who proceeded to throw up all over my car! UGH!! As I tried to clean it, the temperature was so cold the throw up was freezing faster then I could clean it up! YUCK!!!

We returned home very late last night, but what a day we had. Sledding was the best, and even better with our special visitor for the event, STEVE!!!

Today, after all homework and chores are done we plan to have at that sledding hill again!!



1 comment:

Saleslady371 said...

Hi, Debbie:
I found you on Kelly's blog. I also have a husband diagnosed with ADHD. I can relate to the chaos. You sound like a great gal coping well with all the action in your family! Not to mention what a wonderful daughter you are to your parents rescuing them in their travel mishap. Have a great day; may the Lord you bless you big!