Wednesday, February 25, 2009

God's Presence

Yesterday we had our “much needed” carpets cleaned. When Dan arrived and asked me my expectations, I replied “Anything you do will be an improvement!" Unfortunately, he arrived a little late and then underestimated just how long it would take to clean all the carpets. I had to leave him alone in my house to go pick up my kids and take them to a doctor’s appointment. While on the way to school I heard a noise in my car two separate times. The second time I called my husband who told me to take the car right over to Dave, our auto mechanic. My schedule did not allow time to take the car to the shop especially since I left Dan the carpet cleaner alone in my house and needed to hurry home after the pick up and doctor’s visit. After all it wasn’t the first time I ever heard a noise in the 150,000 mile Suburban I have been driving for the last six years! Besides, don’t most women kick into denial mode when it comes to their cars and malfunctions??

We made it home fine, said good-bye and thank you to Dan the carpet cleaner and headed out to Girl Scouts. Steve decided to work late so it was the kids and me. As I was driving to Girl Scouts the “check engine oil” light went on. Uh Oh…another call to Steve. I was reminded how I should have taken the car to Dave the mechanic! We agreed I should check the oil when I arrived at Girl Scouts. Now I didn’t want to tell my husband but I had no idea where the oil stick was. I had never checked the oil in my car! It took three of us moms to find the oil stick and determine there was absolutely no oil in the car at all! My next call to Steve was not an easy one. I once again heard how I should have taken the car to Dave the mechanic and how the car could be ruined or maybe cost $10,000!!!

Meanwhile I have boys in the back who are hungry. “When are we going to eat, and what are we going to eat?” I explained that mommy is in a crisis, the car could be very sick and they need to just be quiet for now!!!

I immediately went to the store, bought oil and attempted to put oil in my car while in the Walgreen’s parking lot. Tim and Linda (I think they were angels) came along to help me when they saw me under my hood struggling to get the oil cap off.

As I drove home approaching my house the car made such a terrible noise I was sure it was dying a sudden death. Again, the call to Steve telling him what happened. We determined the car was not drivable and he should come home to pick up Emeline at Girl Scouts and personally get the car to the shop.

Due to the carpets being cleaned my house was in disarray, furniture on top of furniture and out in the hallways. The kitchen was a mess, lunches needed to be made and I had a group of women coming for Bible study at my house in the morning. Standing at the kitchen sink I cried out to God, asking Him for miraculous energy, telling him how overwhelmed I was, bringing to His attention what needed to be done, and praying I would not loose my patience with the boys, who still were not fed!

It was amazing to sense the presence of the Lord. It was as if he just took over! I immediately had a sense of peace, I e-mailed the study girlfriends to ask them to pray, and miraculously I cleaned the house, dinner was made, and all the other tasks complete with time and energy to finish studying for today. God’s presence was so real, as He revealed Himself to me in such a special way.

Praise God the car seems o.k. for now. It never made the noise I heard several times yesterday when Dave the mechanic got a hold of it, OF COURSE!! That's the way it goes!!

"And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered...." Joel 2:32

Sweet dreams and blessings,


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Mercies

Yesterday was a rough day with the kids. It started out fine yet by mid afternoon we were spiraling down rather quickly. Once the kids came home from school it was utterly chaotic getting homework done, reviewing and absorbing three report cards, refereeing sibling rivalry fights, studying for a Science test that makes no sense to my seven year old (or me!), delivering girl scout cookies, making dinner, looking forward to my husband coming home to help me only to realize he forgot to tell me he wasn’t coming home! I wanted to call Nanny 911! By 6:30 PM I was quick tempered and intolerant.

My children started throwing comments at me I use on them like “Are you getting enough sleep?” “How are you with God?” “Could you be nicer?” “Let’s pray.” “Do you have a heart issue?” These comments were not making me feel any better at the time in fact they were making me feel horrible. I knew they were right to all the above!!

I apologized to them and prayed with them at bedtime explaining to them I’m a sinner just like them and I need Jesus too! Still, I felt horrible…I replayed the afternoon and all the ways I could have done or said something different. I also knew that I DID need a good nights sleep so I made that a priority, jumped in bed and read my Bible, a chapter in Proverbs. I knew to stay away from the Proverbs 31 woman chapter, she would make me feel worse!! My children were certainlly not rising up and calling me blessed!

Today, when the alarm went off and I opened my eyes the Lord whispered in my ear “My mercies are new every morning….” I looked outside and could see the sun rising, it was beautiful. I had an overwhelming sense of peace and thankfulness in my heart to have a God who loves me even when I fail, and extends mercy and grace in abundance.

Today was a much better day. My children commented and thanked me for being nicer. I told them it was God who helped me and always helps me! No Nanny 911 for me today!

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not, they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Sweet dreams and blessings,


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy V-Day!

Valentine’s Day is a time to reflect on all the special people in our lives.

I love and appreciate my parents. They have taught me so much about life. The good, the bad, and the ugly, my life has been molded and shaped by their example. They are my dearest and best friends. My mom especially has taught me unconditional love for which I am eternally grateful.

The word “Humility” comes to mind when I think of those special girlfriends in my life. I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling so blessed to have a core group of women who know me so well, have for years, and love me just the way I am. They encourage me in the Lord without judging me. Days, weeks, months can go by without talking to some of them yet when we re-connect, the bond of friendship grows stronger!

Having children introduced a whole new meaning of the word “Love” to my vocabulary. I heard of this love but until you experience it you can’t understand it. To experience this Maternal Love three times has been the greatest joy of my life. Babies are miracles and I am amazed that God saw fit to allow me the honor of loving and caring for Emeline, Samuel, and Zachary. Every day my love grows deeper. There is no limit….it just keeps coming! When they hurt, I hurt. When they laugh, I laugh. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them and they know it. They know their momma is absolutely crazy about each one of them!!

On Valentine’s Day of course we should acknowledge all those we love, but the day is really for that “Special Person”. You know the one we want to snuggle with, hold their hand, the one we want to romance and who we want to romance us!

Steve and I have always celebrated Valentines’ Day by going out to a special restaurant, flowers, maybe a movie, and dot…dot…dot..!

Yesterday was different. After three basketball games and cleaning our house we were pooped. We forgot to think about going out and when we did it was too late. Instead of us being alone we added a child to the mix (four total)! There were lots of chocolates, cards, and flowers to enjoy.

After the kids went to bed Steve and I were scheduled to have an in-house date night, just us two. We lit candles and turned on an adult (not Disney) movie. Within the first five minutes of the movie Steve started to snore! I can’t blame him, we were watching a chick flick (Momma Mia) which is painful for him to watch.

As much as we try, these days are difficult to try and keep the romance alive. Somehow I know we are not alone. Will we keep trying? Sure…but we’re also well aware that there are times in life when you just need to keep on keeping on. We’re in that phase right now. I know we’ll eventually get back to where we need to be…as for now, we’ll settle for whatever special time we can get, even if it’s just five minutes before Steve falls asleep and starts snoring!!

The Bible talks so much about love. There are so many verses in the Bible encouraging us to love one another. My favorite is:

“Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

May we know the depth and width of Christ’s love in our lives!



Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Dream Home?

Sometimes I hear women speak of their Dream Home. A few already live in their Dream Home, others wish they did. This concept doesn’t feel right for me, I live in a home that is more then just fine, and it’s lovely. Eight years ago we bought our house, practically stole the house for under market value. My husband and his crew gutted the house transforming the insides miraculously!

Five years ago we had an extravagant landscape project done that was the talk of the neighborhood. It was magnificent! Whenever I drove up to the house I stood in awe of the beautiful flowers, trees, and shrubbery.

Eight years later the house looks very different. Three active children, a dog, bunny, and bird have all contributed to the toll taken on the inside of the house. The once white carpets are grey and dirty. The once beautiful hardwood floor needs to be resurfaced. The family room furniture is shot. I have holes in the walls and ceilings from various mishaps.

The outside of the house has also changed. The once beautiful landscape is almost completely gone. So much has died off. The side of the house is turning green needing a good power washing. I often want to call my neighbor and apologize they have to look at it everyday!

Of course like any women I’m more critical of my own house then most would be. Many would not notice the things I do. I try to be patient knowing we cannot afford to do much financially at this point so I do the best I can keeping it looking as nice as possible. If I dream at all it is about how nice the house will look when things can be taken care of, not a new and bigger house!

Today I pounded the pavement with Emeline selling Girl Scout cookies. This was our second attempt. Yesterday I drove the neighborhood as she walked. Today Emeline wanted me to walk with her so I did. I kept a low profile as my nine year old daughter went house-to-house and introduced herself asking if the owner would like to buy cookies. I was enjoying the beautiful day and the walk with my daughter. I was thankful most people were kind to Emeline whether they bought cookies or not.

As we walked further away from our home I did not know the people. Emeline walked up to a house, and a woman answered the door. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but the two were engaged in a conversation. After the woman purchased cookies from Emeline she turned to me and started shouting a story. I had never seen this woman before but she somehow knew where we lived and our last name. This distant neighbor was excited to meet the people who lived down the street on the corner. She told me a story another friend of her’s told her. This friend of hers told her whenever the family drives by our house her kids call our home “The Dream Home”. When the mom asked them why they said, “Because they have a great dog, they put a big sheet up in the summer time for outside movies, they have a zip line, the mom and dad are really nice, the kids are out laughing and having a good time, and they just look like a family that has so much fun together! We want to live in a house like that!” As this woman was speaking the tears started rolling down my face. I was glad I had sunglasses on so she couldn’t see me. I thanked her for sharing that story with me. I was a little shocked and embarrassed, and didn’t have much to say.

As I walked away the tears did not stop. Emeline was ahead of me onto her next sale. I took a deep breath, looked up in the beautiful blue sunny sky and thanked the Lord for blessing me and reminding me what life is all about. Our house stood out not for the work that needed to be done but for the crazy people in it!

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Sweet dreams and blessings,


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Train Up A Child

Having three children means three birthdays to celebrate. Two summer birthdays and one winter birthday. Summertime is fun and it doesn’t take much to get a group together whether it be at the pool, beach, park, or in your back yard, it’s bound to be fun. Over the last few years I keep telling my children “No more big birthday parties!” Yet as each special date rolls around I find myself planning a party.

Sam’s birthday is the winter date. February is a cold month in the Northeast yet a fun time to get out and do something different! Yesterday we went on a journey with thirteen kids to celebrate Sam's eighth birthday. Our first stop was to play games at a Sports Zone, then onto a Lego Store where the guests built their own Lego project.

Spending six hours with all boys and one sweet girl delighted my heart. Sure, they had their moments but what impressed me about this group was the diverse personalities and how they behaved when their parents were not there. I loved hearing about their favorite authors, subjects, sports, and then more sports! I watched them make good choices and encourage one another. I noticed some giving tickets to others they had won playing video games. Prizes were shared without me saying a word. When a large group of them broke away running from the adults at the mall, there were the ones encouraging them to come back and stay with the adults. Of course me screaming at the top of my lungs got their attention as well!

They all spoke their mind in a respectful way. One boy wanted to speak to the manager of the Lego Store to tell him what a great job our party person “Tripp” was doing. So thoughtful!

Eating pizza and cake was the last stop and event of the evening. Only after their bellies were full and numerous cups of sprite and lemonade were consumed did many (including my Sam) start “bouncing off the walls”. Let’s just say the restaurant was happy to see us leave!

Most everyone would think we were crazy for taking this journey. We could have had a skating party for an hour and be done with it. The kids had a blast and would have also had a good time skating. The blessing was all mine. We threw a party but got so much in return. Our hearts were blessed by each and every friend of Sam’s last night. They all represented Christ in many ways, and their parents should be proud of them.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Of course I forgot my camera. My friend Denise took pictures with her phone but she doesn’t know how to down load them on her computer. I won’t hold my breath waiting for them. They’ll be a pleasant surprise if they come.



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sledding, A Barbecue, and Hot Chocolate

Today was a day like none other. The snow blanketed the grass and adorned the trees. It was like a picture you would see on a Hallmark card. Because the temperatures in Philadelphia yesterday sky rocketed to almost 60 degrees, the ground was too warm for the snow to stick on the roads yet we were gaining inches on the grass. All day it snowed and everyone could go about their business, enjoying the beautiful white scenery.

After the kids did homework, studied for tests, practiced instruments, and did their chores we headed out to go sledding to our favorite “snow” hill. Not really having the time to do this, SOMETIMES one just needs to throw caution to the wind and DO IT! As expected, once we arrived at our favorite spot the conditions for sledding and snow boarding were perfect. We sledded and had snow ball fights until almost bedtime. Sure, I could have brought them home earlier like a good responsible mom but you never know when the last snow of the season will be. Tonight could be the last!! We had to seize the moment!

With three freezing cold hungry and wet children, after 2 hours of fun we headed home to have a barbecue. There’s something about scraping off snow on a grill that doesn’t seem quite right, but it was all part of the adventure of the day! The steak tasted better then usual for our hungry appetites.

As for dessert? Of course hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream!

So often in life it is easy to get weighed down by the cares of whatever it is staring at us in the face, and we ALL have something staring at us in the face!

“….I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

God desires to lift us above our circumstances and enjoy all that He has for us. I appreciate Him showing me a day like today. Having the eyes to see only what is beautiful (snow everywhere!), going on a sledding adventure with my kids, having our favorite barbecue dinner, and topping it off with a big mug of extra chocolaty hot chocolate!

We’ll all sleep well tonight!

