Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Tribute To Mom

When reading the Bible for my quiet time I tend to steer away from the Proverbs 31 woman, you know the gal who did it all? Some say the chapter is not referring to just one person, after all who on earth could accomplish all that and still have her children rise up and call her blessed! My children rise and are mad at me that I woke them up! Of course I have respect for the Proverbs 31 woman because she/they are in the Bible and I believe it is inspired by God. The older I get the more settled I become in who I am. I’m actually grateful to have even a few (maybe only one) of the qualities the P31 sister had!

My mom is an example of a woman who (in my humble opinion) comes pretty close. My dad “considers her worth far above rubies”, he always adored her, and trusted her. Years ago my dad had a temper that only my mom could diffuse. Mom is an amazing seamstress, she can sew anything from clothes, to wedding dresses, and draperies. As for me, I can hardly sew a button! She is a pillar of strength and confidence. Her faith in God is unwavering and steadfast. When she speaks only kind words come out of her mouth, complaining is not in her personality.

Sometimes I wonder why I can’t be more like my mom. How did I turn out so different then her? When I was a little girl I looked just like my dad, that’s what everyone said. Now that I’m getting older people say I look just like my mom. Maybe as I continue to age I’ll start to be more like my mom. There’s no one in this world I would choose to be more like. Tears come to my eyes when I think of my mom. So many friends I know have lost their mom and my heart breaks for them. Instead of fearing the loss of my mom someday, I embrace the times I have with her today. I thank God I have been blessed with the closest example of the P31 woman..the gal I call Mom.

I’m so glad God gave us to each other! Happy Mother’s Day mom, I love you!!


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