Sunday, April 19, 2009


Talk about distractions, the other day I was enjoying my quiet time after the kids got on the bus. Getting three busy, loud children out the door by 7:30 with a full belly is quite a task. After they board the bus, and I throw kisses, there are days I want to collapse. Sitting down with a cup of coffee, having a devotional time with God is soothing to my soul.

Recently our front door broke, a part on the door snapped and Steve had to send away for a new one. Certainly Steve and many would wonder what the big deal is not having a front door? “What about the garage door?” some would ask. Good question, that is broke too! My only way in right now is the back door.

A few days ago I sat in my pajamas having my coffee, right after the kids left looking forward to my quiet time. I soon heard the dog start to throw up. I quickly jumped out of my seat to get him out of the house. Before I got to him he threw up on the kitchen floor and his bed. I hoped to get to the cover off the bed fast enough that it didn’t penetrate to the padding. No such luck, the padding had throw up all over it too (ugh!). Slightly annoyed that I now had all this cleaning to do, and did I mention that I do not tolerate throw up very well? I got everything to the laundry room and realized that when the padding needed to be dried I would need some tennis balls to throw in the dryer, you know, to fluff it up! Realizing that I did not have tennis balls in the laundry room I went to the closet where I keep my tennis racquet to get the balls. Then I realized that I forgot my tennis racquet in the car and that is not good for the strings! I marched right out to my car to get the tennis racquet and locked the door behind me. So, there was the dog and I outside my house (me in my red pajamas!) All from the dog throwing up!

My world is made up of distractions. It can be annoying if I choose or I can accept the distractions and let God teach me through each and every one of them. Having three children, sometimes I wonder how on earth anything gets done. Forget about trying to keep a steady train of thought when they’re home! Talking on the phone or trying to write a serious e-mail is suicidal!

I’m learning to embrace the distractions. I use to think I was entitled to my space and time and I still am within reason yet the distractions are what makes me grow, helps me to see things differently. I look at them more now as opportunities then annoyances.

Sweet Dreams,


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