Monday, November 17, 2008

Good vs. Godly

Yesterday in church my pastor said something that I will never forget. A true revelation! He explained the difference between a good man and a godly man. The term “Godly” gets thrown around a lot in the church. “Oh, she’s so godly,” or “He’s a godly husband.” I personally don’t use this term much because I never understood the definition of Godly! It’s almost like the word “love”. It’s overused. I’ve never considered myself godly, just someone who tries to do the right thing. I do love God and I want to please Him, yet I am also aware of my shortcomings.

Our pastor said the difference between a good man and a godly man is how the good man (most of us are good willed) reacts when things aren't so good. How does the good man respond when someone slanders him? How does the good man respond when life gets really hard? That simple statement meant so much to me and clarified so much.

How about Job? Now that’s a guy who had reason to complain. His empire collapsed, his children were killed, and what was a healthy body became a rage of boils. Job refused top give up on God, even though he didn’t understand what was happening to him and why. Now that’s a godly man.

And Joseph? His brothers sold him for a slave, then he turns around and says “What you meant for evil, God meant for good.” Another godly guy.

What about today? Do I know any Godly people? That was my question to me yesterday. Do I have the pleasure of knowing people who are good even when they are put through the fire? I mean multiple fires? Yes, and I am thankful for these people in my life. God has used them in so many ways to show His love, grace, and mercy to me. These people are not judgmental, they are painfully aware of God’s grace in their own lives.

I don’t know that I will ever fall under the category of “Godly”, but I’m thankful I know people who point me in that direction and better yet I have a God who wants just that for me. The Great I Am!

“And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord””. Job 1:21

Sweet dreams and blessings,


1 comment:

KelliGirl said...

Great thoughts. Of all the things I've pondered (and they are numerous) I've never thought about the difference between good and godly. What a wonderful explanation! Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of the verse about God using ALL things for the good of those who love him. (That's my paraphrase :-) He uses every hurt, inconvenience, struggle for His glory!

Thanks for this. I needed a reminder that even in this place, God is victorious, and if I'm in Him, I am victorious as well. And so are you!

Blessings my friend,