Saturday, April 5, 2008

They Just Left Me!!

It was our usual Friday night going out with “Mom Mom” and “Pop Pop” for a bite to eat. We like to go to loud place because WE’RE LOUD!! Sam was going home with my mom and dad to spend the night at their house. Being the bargain shopper I am I decided last night was the night we should take the boys to the local ski shop and purchase their winter coats for next year. 80% off sale on some items!! Steve needed to go to the pet store because yesterday morning when I went to feed the dog I realized he had no food so I gave him some pretzels and then he threw up the pretzels (ugh!!). As usual we decided to divide and conquer but realized we only had one car. I asked my mom and dad if they would take Sam, Zachary and I to the ski shop, Steve would go get dog food and then meet up with us. Well, Zachary had to go “potty” before we left and when we came out side my mother was pulling out of the parking lot without us! We started running down the road after them but they were faster then us. I called my mom and she turned around to come get us. Steve left to take Emeline to the pet store. Meanwhile we go to the ski shop and it is closed (bummer!). I then ask mom to take me to the pet store where I can meet up with Steve to take me home. We go to the pet store and there we see Emeline and Steve walking toward the pet store with coffees in their hands, they had gone to Starbucks!! Since the Book Store was right next to the pet store I decided to go buy Sam some books so I passed Zachary off to Emeline and Steve and took Sam inside Barnes and Noble. Once I purchased a few books for Sam and bribed him to now read them I said goodbye to Sam, mom, and dad and walked to the pet store to meet Steve, Emeline and Zachary. I blew kisses to Sam as he drove off for the night. As I entered the pet store I immediately saw “ICE’S” (our black lab) obedient school teacher, said hello and let her know I was looking for my family. Off I went looking down each aisle. Then I realized I don’t hear them!! That’s unusual, but maybe they were looking at the exotic fish QUIETLY! Nope, not there. I was starting to realize I was all alone, the store was closing, THEY JUST LEFT ME! Now, we’ve left our kids places, but I’ve never been left! Just last week we were getting ready to leave school after a concert not realizing we did not have Emeline with us. Then there was last summer when Emeline had a broken foot, in a cast. I asked her to wait for me on a bench at the pool while I took the boys to get the car. I was going to swing around and get her. I left the parking lot completely forgetting her!! Apparently she was running in the parking lot after me and I didn’t see her. I was looking and feeling like a great mom that day!!

So.. I called Steve to tell him he left me at the pet store but he did not answer his phone. I had to call my parents who had already left me once that night to come back and take me home!! Turns out that Steve thought I was at the ski shop and went there looking for me. But he SAW ME AT THE PET STORE!! I TOLD HIM I WAS GOING TO BARNES AND NOBLE WITH SAM!! I EVEN DROPPED ZACHARY WITH HIM SO HE DEFINITELY SAW ME!! Now I know what it feels like to be left and no one notice you’re gone!!

How many times in life do we find ourselves all alone? Sometimes we’re alone because we choose to be, other times it is because God chooses it for us. I actually enjoy being alone by myself, it is a rarity for me with little kids. But the times in life when God chooses it for me can be painful. I’ve found it is in those times He is trying to teach me something or get my attention. God promises us He “will never leave us or forsake us”. No matter where we are or what life is throwing at us, God is there for us! Before Jesus died on the cross He told His disciples the hour was coming, they would be scattered….”and will leave me alone. And yet I am not alone because the Father is with me” John 16:32. Jesus knew and wants us to know WE ARE NOT ALONE! We haven’t been forgotten! If we pray and ask Him, He is faithful to come along side us and help us.

I couldn’t help but laugh over the “utterly chaotic” night we had that turned into me standing alone in a pet store hearing an announcement “It is 8:55 PM, the store will be closing in five minutes”!!

I made it home and Steve was shocked to hear it was his responsibility to pick me up!! Gotta love the guy!!

Have a blessed weekend!


1 comment:

benjamin telsey said...

hello mrs. summer

my mom sent this blog to me and over the past 30 mins i have gone back and read entries going back weeks. its funny to read, but also so worthwhile, i feel like i am learning so much through you. and most of all, it gives me this sense of connection with a family i miss so much. maybe once i get home i can hang out with them, and not even have to "go out and spend so much money", hehe. anyways, hope you are enjoying life, remaining joyful and i'll see you soon