Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nor'easter Slams The East

It’s hard to believe only five days ago I was in sunny California. It’s wasn’t exactly hot but I was able to wear shorts and a lightweight shirt….oh, and sunglasses all the time…oh, and fun girlfriends who kept me laughing for four days straight..oh, and a husband who freely let me go, took care of the kids, and cleaned the house! THANK YOU STEVE, you’re the best!

Today I’m wondering how I’ll dig six kids and myself out of over twenty inches of snow! Months ago when I heard my girlfriend was headed to NY I offered to take her boys. I love these kids (and my girlfriend). The weekend promised to be busy. Moving them from one activity to another would be a “piece of cake”. Five basketball games and a birthday party for Sam would keep them all out of trouble or from bothering one another. As the weekend approached it was apparent all plans would be cancelled, a big Nor’easter was dumping snow and rain over much of the mid to southern section of the country, which also meant Steve would be gone for days working. I started to wonder what on earth I would do with five boys and one girl by myself. They don’t like arts and crafts. If it snowed they wouldn’t want to be outside, other than the typical twenty minutes of fun (when it took you and hour to dress them all).

I knew I needed a plan. When this group of kids get together all they want to do is play the wii, striving for the next level, thrilled over the challenge…Mario rules!!! They would play all day and night if I let them, only coming up to eat and drink when necessary. I decided to plan a schedule, limiting the wii time and any other type of electronic activities. I got the paper out with them and we created a wii schedule as well as other types of activities for them to do, chores were included.

Once you’re snowed in with kids, one needs to take on a certain mind set…..FLEXIBILITY and CREATIVITY! It is obviously not a day to think you can get anything done, or do anything for yourself. You’re lucky if you get to eat! Having lots of snacks and drinks is essential. Getting annoyed with wet snow tracking through your house is self destructive, for goodness sakes it’s just water. Rewarding myself with coffee and chocolate keeps me alert and smiling.

Have a great day!! Go sledding with the kids! Help your neighbors dig out! Laugh at those great kids you have! EAT CHOCOLATE!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

So how did your second snow day in a week go? I love snow days, but they're a lot different at this stage of my life. Max (and Christine) still go out to play in the snow, but they clean up after themselves! And they helped make dinner. And I got my work done! I tell you this because I know you're enjoying the way it is now, ubt I also thought you'd want to know what to look forward to. Or not! Because you're right, the snow on the floor is sooooo worth it. And igloos. And snowmen. And hot chocolate. Love you! Laurie