Sunday, March 9, 2008

Consider the Lillies....

One of my favorite events of the year is to go to the Flower Show in our city. I have gone with different companions to include family, friends, and my daughter. Last year I took Emeline and a friend. This year although I was tempted to ask others, my heart was telling me to just take her. Earlier in the week I went on a field trip to see the Globetrotters with her class. There were many chaperones invited. Before the game started Emeline asked me if I would mind if she sat with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s mom. I immediately said “Of course not!” There was no room for me which was fine but I realized within moments that I was the only mom not sitting with their child! I had mixed emotions about this. At first I felt a little slighted that I took my day to spend with my daughter to watch a basketball game that would be funny but quite frankly I could think of other things I could be doing! Then I truly felt happy in my heart that my daughter was secure enough to just be who she is and enjoy the time with her friend. All my kids are independent, Steve encourages them to be that way. I jokingly say I’ll be lucky if my kids remain on the same continent when they go off to college someday (I’ll be sobbing)!!

So... when we arrived at the Flower Show as we entered the Convention Center you could smell all the beautiful fragrances of the flowers! I wonder if heaven will smell like that?? I’m always taken by God’s majesty and how creative He is. I love to look at all the intricate designs of the flowers, plants and trees as well as the color combinations. God is some artist!! I am humbled to think how BIG our God is. In Psalm 8:3 it says “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained” Wow, it’s amazing He created everything and yet still has time to care about us!

The best part of the Flower Show was when we walked in to the show Emeline took my hand and did not let go (yes, the independent one)!! We had the best time learning about the flowers, plants and trees. We smelled the flowers, talked about our favorites, took pictures, pretended we were judges, and purchased some African Violets for some of our favorite people. “Thank you for taking me to the Flower Show Mommy, this was the best time ever!” My heart was humbled and grateful for such a special day. Thank you Jesus!

Sweet Dreams and blessings to all,


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