As we rang in 2010, I somehow knew this would be a year for change. It made me nervous, change can be good and change can be…well, not so good. Which would it be, maybe a combination of both? The older I get the more I celebrate each day. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean everyday is worth celebrating, in fact there are some days I would like to forget. I’m just more sensitive to everything that I have. I am most of all thankful to know God. I have a personal relationship with Jesus that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I value my family and the relationships God has blessed me with. I’m not a perfect wife, mom, or friend, but I’m thankful God’s mercies are new everyday…WHEW!!!
Everything changed on January 5th. A large envelope came Fed-X to my attention. Standing in the kitchen I opened the envelope and read the letter. “CONGRATULATIONS, YOUR BOOK HAS BEEN ACCEPTED FOR ROYALTY PUBLICATION!” I started to tremble. Who knew the book my mom and I took a year to write would be accepted? I knew it was a good idea, but a publishable book? That was a moment in time I will never forget.
Then the work began. The book was accepted on its story but now we needed to write segments to make the book sell like the foreword, epilogue, and back matter. I never heard of a back matter before in fact I went and googled it wrong typing in “back splatter”! Don’t do that, it’s basically poop on the back of the toilet YUCK!!!! After having the work checked by editors and special help from a friend, and three months of chenging, we finally submitted our manuscript to the publisher. Fully expecting to hear we did something wrong in the submission process, hoping they wouldn't laugh at it, I was just glad to get it off my plate and in the hands of the publisher so they could begin their critique process.
Today I checked my e-mail, “We received your manuscript and it looks good.” Those were sweet words to my soul. I wasn’t looking for great, good is just fine with me!! O.K. so they went on to say someone will be in touch next week to begin the editing process and they did mention the book has a high word count for Children’s books but that’s o.k. for today its fine…….
Writing a book is an accomplishment, yet the accomplishment doesn’t come without a lot of hard work. As I re-read what was submitted, I can still make so many changes yet at some point it was necessary to just step out, click send, and pray for the best!!
So much of life is about us doing our best and letting God do the rest. When we walk with Him and abide in Him He takes care of us and directs our steps.
Grace and blessings,
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