Monday, June 29, 2009

Where's your security?

With summer in full swing it’s utterly chaotic but lots of fun. Before the first day of summer I had a schedule for the kids to include daily activities, chores, and reading yet striving to keep a balance of play time with each of them.

My heart especially desires to invest time and energy in Emeline and the changes that lie ahead for her. You know the “girl” thing. Changes to the body, drama with the peers, etc. Last fall a friend recommended a mother/daughter devotional study which Emeline and I are enjoying everyday together. Topics such as “A Pure Heart”. ‘Dangerous Company”, “Who’s right?”, “Friends Forever” are included as well as others.

All girls at times feel like they are misunderstood, don’t fit in, rejected, etc. As a mom I want to fix it, after all I’m older and wiser right? Older yes but wiser is an ongoing daily process. I often find myself telling her what to do and say when she hits a “blip” in her road of relationships. Instead of fixing the situation I’m realizing I need to help Emeline understand who she is in Christ, she is His daughter. Being secure in Jesus and His love is her ultimate hope in this world.

As I’m studying this issue with Emeline, I’m also realizing that I too need continual work in this area. Often feelings of inadequacies creep into my head about the wife, mother, daughter, and friend I am. Measuring my success against what the world dictates is a train wreck in the making. Knowing who I am in Christ gives me a fresh start each day as I open my Bible to read and spend time praying, inviting God to be a part of my mind, thought process, and heart creates a security that no one can take away.

“May He enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope His call holds for you.” Ephesians 1:18



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