God’s love~if you will let it~can fill you! Come thirsty~and drink deeply!
Merry Christmas 2011 to all our special friends and family!
Praying you are all well! We hit the ground running last January with a trip to Florida where Emeline and Zachary played in a 3 v 3 World Championship soccer tournament at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando. Let’s just say we had a “BALL!”. We also took our first trip as a family to New Orleans for a wedding, returning home from NOLA with 7 lizards. Guess who had to walk through security with them, praying they would go unnoticed? We then did our usual fun trips to the Adirondacks, and Nantucket. Emeline and I visited my dear friend Bridget in Oregon while the boys were away at camp.
We love our family time together. The kids are at a great age. They are all old enough to keep up with each other, and they still think Steve and I are pretty cool. Whether we’re water skiing, fishing, hiking, quadding, playing a game, or a round of Frisbee golf, we love having fun. If Zachary and I are teamed up, we are often accused of cheating! Steve forces me to STOP…and PLAY….Thank you Steve!
“Andi's Antics, A Girl’s Adventures with ADD” was released last March! We were invited to be guest authors at Book Fairs, and an ADHD convention. I spoke at a Writer’s conference, and was invited to be a guest on a radio talk show. It’s been busy and fun. My mom and I have enjoyed our journey together. Thank you all for your loving support through this special time! www.andisanticsadd.com
Emeline ~ I call her my “Mary”, I’m definitely “Martha”. She encourages me to slow down and enjoy the moment….what a gift she is to me…..my daughter. She is doing well in Middle School, and still loves soccer. Emeline played on two teams last fall, and guest played a few times for the boys MS soccer team, what a thrill for her to play all that soccer! She may take her first soccer missions trip to Costa Rica next spring. Girl Scouts and Bible Studies also keep Emeline busy and growing. I thank God for her “pleasantness”.
Samuel ~ won first place in the school art contest for his grade…who knew? I think it shocked Sam more than anyone; he couldn’t even remember what he drew! Nobody can make me belly laugh like Sam, he’s got quite a whit about him. We love our Sam, and we know that God has a very special plan for him. Lacrosse and Football are Sam’s “Fave” sports. Basically, any contact type sport is right up Sam’s alley!
Zachary ~ the little brother, who is not afraid of his big brother! Zach is still Zach; he just loves life and sports, preferring football and soccer. He broke a ten year record this past summer on the swim team. He is a fierce competitor with quite a drive…..our challenge is to keep Zachary humble and remember “…….It is in Him that we live, move, and have our being.”
Steve ~ after many challenging years with his business, God has shown favor, turning the company in a more positive direction. Steve has surrounded himself with several smart, loyal employees. There’s still a lot of work to do, but Steve is a hard worker always seeking to honor the Lord in all he does. He is a wonderful father and husband. I thank God for him each day.
Me ~ after 12 ½ years, I accepted a job offer, thrilled for the opportunity; it was like a dream come true for me in many ways. Steve also asked me to come work for him. That was NEVER an option for me, I thought it was a unique, special wife who could work for her husband and it wasn’t me! After prayer and a few tears shed, I told Steve I would come work for him. I was sad to leave my dream job after only working one day! Yet, I’m enjoying working for Steve, I really am! I only work part time, so my other activities and being a mom doesn’t get in the way. It’s better than a dream job! Last June I had surgery on my elbow…OUCH! I continue to facilitate a community Bible Study, what a lovely group of ladies, and I am eternally grateful for the local Bible Church who covers this group of women and me in prayer. My walk and relationship with Jesus has grown much deeper, and sweeter than ever before. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. And I love all my girlfriends
“…….And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
In closing, we pray for God’s blessing on your families. Please take the hands of those you love, look into their eyes, and tell them how much you love them.
By His amazing grace……..Stephen, Debbie, Emeline, Samuel, Zachary